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exposed nerve


Exposed Nerve holds a special place in my heart because it's the first zine I ever made. In the zine, I explore the ways I experience anxiety through four separate lenses: a reflection on how I relate to the concept of "home"; processing my experiences in academia; my relationship with music; and my thoughts about the Zola Jesus album Okovi.




"I always had issues with fitting in and making friends as a child, even before I moved to Madoc. But the social isolation I felt in Madoc was different than it had been before in a way that I still can't quite describe in words. The vast majority of my peers at school had known each other their entire lives. They had a culture and experiences that I didn't share with them. I couldn't relate to them.

Things did not get better as time went on. Quiet exclusion gave way to merciless bullying."


"...when I started grad school, I hit a wall. Hard. I became paralyzed, convinced that I didn't deserve to be in grad school because I wasn't as smart or as hard-working as my classmates. I hated all of my research ideas and everything I wrote for my classes. I felt that I didn't have anything to contribute to my field, or to the world in general. It got the point where I simply could not do anything for school -- every time I tried, I froze."


"At a time when I was starting to feel the full force of a world that I had never been completely comfortable in, listening to music that reflected that feeling back to me made me feel understood in my discomfort."


"...there's so much of my experience of Okovi that can't really put into words. So much of it is an affective, an experience that resists description in words."